
What to Do
Your First Day After Moving .

What to Do Your First Day After Moving

Besides ordering takeout and collapsing on whatever space you’ve cleared, what do you need to do your first day after moving?

What you do when you arrive affects how the first few months at your new place will go. Since you’ll have had a long few days (or weeks!), make sure you have a plan for that first day in your new place.

Here’s some things to consider doing.

  • Make copies of any paperwork. If you are renting, be sure you have a copy of the lease and any information that you provided to the landlord. If you bought a home, be sure you have a copy of the deed, warranties for appliances and services (such as pest control), and any inspection documents you received. Whether you rent or own, it’s a good idea to organize the paperwork for utilities, Internet, and cable.
  • Deep clean. It’s easier to clean under a couch when the couch hasn’t arrived yet. Before unpacking, clean cabinets and closets while you can still see the surfaces. You have to inspect these areas anyway, especially if you are renting, so clean as you go.
  • Assemble and arrange your furniture. Not only do you need a place to sit and sleep, you should also set up lamps or be prepared with the correct bulbs for your light fixtures before it gets dark.
  • Put boxes and other items in the room they go in. You certainly don’t have to completely unpack, but at least get the boxes you need to unpack to the room they go in.
  • Introduce yourself to your neighbors.
  • Make sure items you use every day are accessible and where you want them. Most people want to be able to unpack their coffee makers quickly, and you don’t want your cell phone charger buried.

By doing these things your first day, you can make life right after moving less stressful and set yourself up to enjoy your new space. To save yourself effort, consider taking advantage of Muscular Moving Men’s unpacking and installation services.