How to Disinfect
and Sanitize According to the CDC .

Killing viruses like Covid-19 on surfaces requires strong cleaning solutions like bleach.
The CDC recommends a mixture of 1 cup bleach per 5 gallons of water for use on non-porous surfaces to disinfect household surfaces. Suitable surfaces include countertops and other surfaces that could be contaminated through human contact.
A recent study suggests that Covid-19 can live on some surfaces for days. With that in mind, it has never been more important to thoroughly disinfect surfaces to prevent the spread of dangerous or deadly germs.
Muscular Moving Men uses bleach based cleaning products on all door handles, electronics, truck interiors, dolleys and other moving tools before and after each move to do our part to reduce the spread of this dangerous disease.
We also recommend that homeowners complete their own thorough cleaning of all surfaces that other people may have come into contact with throughout the move. Thank you for your continued support. Our community will get through these difficult times together.
Original Article:
Muscular Moving Men will be practicing social distancing on site. No shaking hands and we will keep our distance. If you are feeling ill, please let a team member know so that we can reschedule your move.