
Meeting with Cox
Communications Media Team .

Meeting with Cox Communications Media Team

Often times I have found myself watching in amazement the styling and sophistication of a great show Like “Mad Men”. The creative team puts in long hours and effort to make sure they get their advertising clients the best possible product. The painstaking hours put into the small details like word placement, background music, voice over tone, etc can be mind numbing. After meeting with the great staff at Cox Media I can safely say that I had the same treatment and then some.

In the near future, Muscular Moving Men will develop commercials and partnerships with additional local sports teams. Our business seems to go hand in hand with the sports and team camaraderie and why not, they are both physically demanding tasks that require a commitment and drive from all of those involved. High School sports in particular is a big element in the Cox Media wheelhouse and the fact that these folks represent a featured “Game of the Week” highlighting the top football game is exciting to be the proud sponsor of.

Josh Jurhill and Justin Hodge both attended Saguaro High School in Scottsdale, AZ and funny enough, this is the first location the “Game of the Week” team will be at. its decision time in the advertising game and the upside is endless. We are excited about the potential partnership and have a lot to think about.