
Covid-19: Governor Ducey
Executive Order on Essential Services .

Covid-19: Governor Ducey Executive Order on Essential Services

Governor Doug Ducey list essential services including “Critical Trades” like moving companies. There were 82 new cases of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) reported today.

On Monday, March 23rd, 2020, Governor Doug Ducey issued an executive order detailing which business would be considered essential in the case of a future “cover in place” order.

Among the businesses listed as critical are real estate, logistics and “critical trades,” which includes moving companies. Moving companies provide an important and necessary service even during a lock-down. Leases will end and home sales that started before the outbreak could still finalize in the coming weeks forcing people to move.

Muscular Moving Men & Storage has changed their procedures for sanitizing their trucks and has a new set of procedures regarding cleanliness and sick policy. The safety of the crew and our customers is of the utmost importance to everyone in the organization. “We can only continue to work if we remain healthy.” Says josh Jurhill, CEO.

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