Pack Clothes For
Moving Like A Pro .

Packing clothes for moving day seems like a simple enough task. Yet, it happens so often that people leave the clothes to the very end then just tossing them wherever they can.
Clothing has a way of taking up a large amount of space while packing. Thankfully, there are a few strategies you can take advantage of. Whether you’re currently preparing for a move or you are looking for advice for a future move, keep these clothes packing tips in mind.
Packing your clothes for a move is a great time to mix in some decluttering as well. In fact, before you even begin go through all your clothes and sort out the pieces that you’ve gone an entire year without wearing and put them in the donation pile. There’s no need to spend time and paying for packing and moving clothes that you don’t wear.
Before You Pack Your Clothes For Moving
Assess everything. The best way is to take a look at everything in your closet and take everything out of your drawers and lay it out in front you. And this means all the accessories as well. This makes it much easier to begin deciding which items are really worth packing and moving.
Keep – Donate – Sell
Time to decide what makes the cut. Divide your clothes up into these three piles. The basic criteria for deciding can be; have you worn it in the past year, is it still in style, does it still fit you, and is it in decent condition. If a clothing item doesn’t pass this test then it doesn’t go in the “keep” pile.
There are many options when it comes to donating gently used items that are quick and easy. If you’d like to make a little extra cash for those clothes you’re not going to be packing and moving, again there are options available from garage sales to consignment stores.
Pack Off Season Clothes First
Once you’ve got your clothes purged of those you don’t or can’t wear anymore a good place to start is to first pack up your clothes that are currently in their off season. These are the clothes that you aren’t going to be wearing for the next three to four months. So, not only can you pack them now, they won’t be on the hot list to get unpacked either.
Section Off Your Moving Week Essentials
Set aside a set of clothes that you can survive in for the week of the move. No matter what your first week of moving and settling in may look like, have this box, duffel bag, or suitcase handy packed with enough everyday clothes. Be sure to include all the essentials, socks, underwear, shoes, sleeping clothes, etc. Whatever it is that you’ll be able to find and jump in and out of for the week of the move.
Wash Your Clothes Before Moving
Don’t pack your dirty laundry. Make sure all your clothes are cleaned and otherwise washed. If you mix in your laundry with your clean clothes, the smell of your laundry hamper clothes will transfer to your clean smelling clothes… not vise versa.
Time To Pack Clothes For Moving
Now that you’ve purged your closet of those clothing items that you’re no longer going to keep you’re ready to actually deal with the question of how to pack clothes for moving. Depending upon the types of clothes that predominantly make up your wardrobe, this will determine the type of packing supplies you are going to need. The great thing about clothes is that they travel well. Here are a few of the main techniques you can use when packing your clothes for a move:
- Boxes – Work great because they don’t have to be expensive boxes for your clothes. Also, boxes make great use of their space by being square and stackable.
- Wardrobe Boxes – are the easiest wrinkle free method to use. Inside the boxes is a built-in hanger bar that is perfect for your wardrobe. Of course, this type of quality and functionality comes with a higher price, but if you’re going to be moving higher end clothing then the wardrobe boxes are definitely the best choice.
- Suitcases – Are great because you likely have a few. This means you can save the expense of buying boxes. Secondly, you’re going to be moving your suitcases anyway, why not double down and fill them with what they were meant to carry… clothes. In fact, a great use for suitcases is to use them for your essentials to survive for the week of the move that we mentioned earlier.
Pro Tip:
Put a couple of trash bags in one of your essentials suitcases to use for your dirty clothes laundry hamper during the week of the move.
- Backpacks and Duffel Bags – Much like the suitcases you can kill two birds with one stone. You’ll be moving the backpacks and duffel bags anyway so move some clothes with them.
Pro Tip:
When packing a backpack or duffel bag don’t fold your clothes, rathe role your clothes. Backpacks and duffel bags are much more receptive to rolled items and they also won’t become so disheveled during the move.
- Storage Container or Bins – These are a good way to move clothes because they seal shut and protect your clothes from outside elements or moisture. And they are space friendly because they are so easily stackable.
- Airtight Packing – If space is limited, do what they do in space: vacuum seal it. With this setup, you insert clothing into airtight bags. Then you connect a vacuum attachment that takes the air out, and seal the bag. This drastically reduces the amount of space required for clothing. It does take an additional investment to buy the vacuum sealing kit, but it may be well worth it if you move frequently or have a lot of clothing to move.
- Keep Your Clothes On Their Hangers – Not the most graceful way to pack clothes for moving but it is fast. So, if you’ve procrastinated and gotten behind your timeline you can leave your clothes on their hangers and pull up a large trash or lawn bag from the bottom of a grouping of them and use the ties of the bag to tie together the group of hangers. Viola. Your clothes are protected in a plastic bag and grouped together just as they were in your closet.
- Keep Your Clothes In The Dresser Drawers – The clothes that you have in your dresser drawers can generally stay right where they are. If the dresser is too heavy with all drawers in place, simply remove the drawers and wrap them with some plastic wrap to keep the clothes from spilling out.
- Use Your Clothes For Padding – You probably got old comfy T’s and sweatshirts and such that you primarily use to lounge around in. Earmark these types of clothes to be used for padding and filling around your more fragile items such as kitchen items and small electronic devices.
- Spread The Clothing Around – If you have a box of books, you could fill the box halfway with books and halfway with clothing. A box full of books is especially heavy and difficult to carry. By splitting it up, you’ll divvy out the weight and everything will become that much easier to carry. You could even use clothing as padding to protect fragile items.
Packing Your Shoes For Moving
Be sure to protect your shoes during the moving process. Stuff each shoe with socks or packing paper so they keep their shape. If your shoes can scuff, then wrap each shoe individually with packing paper. Also to better protect your shoes pack them heel to toe or sole to sole and be sure to put your heaviest shoes on the bottom so they don’t crush your sandals.
If packing your clothes for moving still seems like a challenge you don’t want to take on, or perhaps you just don’t have the time to pack your clothes yourself we can help. If you’re in need of packing equipment or moving assistance, look no further than Muscular Moving Men. Here you’ll received seasoned professionals who know all the tricks to prepping your items safely and efficiently.