
Moving in Phoenix:
The Do’s and Don’ts .

Moving in Phoenix: The Do’s and Don’ts

When you’re moving to Phoenix or within it, there are certain things you need to account for during the big day. Here at Muscular Moving Men, we’ve seen the good and bad of moving in Phoenix. So, we’ve compiled in this month’s blog post the do’s and don’ts of moving in the Phoenix area. Hey, knowledge is power, right?


Move in the cooler months. Yep, it seems obvious but it’s so true. If you can take advantage of the cooler temps for your move, do it! Don’t delay your move too far into the year because then you’ll start hitting hotter weather, which makes any move miserable.

Move in the middle of the day. Being that we’re a huge city, we have the traffic to back up that reputation. Make sure that we’re you’re ready to move that you get your moving company in early, but that you don’t hit the road until at least mid-morning. This ensures you’re missing the morning and evening commuters going to or from work.


Don’t wait until the last minute to pack. Let’s face it, packing is the most tedious task of any move. So, if you can, don’t wait until the last minute to do it. If you pack a room a week, you’re keeping yourself from being stressed and your moving process less miserable!

Don’t pack the important documents up in boxes. Keep them with you. These documents may include your house papers or a lease agreement for your new place. You never know when you’ll need to have these on hand, so make sure they’re not in a box buried at the back of the moving truck.

Be Sure To…

Hire the strongest name in moving: Muscular Moving Men! We have the experience and strength to back up our name and reputation. Contact our team today for more tips and to schedule your Phoenix move! 602-923-6400